
如何还价还价Bargaining 商务英语

??如何还价还价Bargaining 产品的销价格格在公司的推广进程中是一个非常活络而又最难以有用控制的要素。它直接联络着商场对产品的承受程度,影响着商场需要量即产品出售量的巨细或公司获利多少。因而,还价还价是商务公关人员在商务活动中的一项必备技能。




Dialogue I

A: What's your price per dozen for leathern gloves?/每打皮手套的价格是多少?

B: 30 dollars per dozen./每打30美元。

A: It's much too high. We have another offer for a similar one at a much lower price./太贵了。相同的产品,咱们另外得到的报价比这低得多。

B: I can assure you that our price is the most favorable. A trial will convince you of my words./我向你保证,咱们的价格是最优惠的,试一试你就晓得了。

A: If you can go a little lower, I'd be able to give you an order on the spot./假定你能把价格降低些,我如今就订购。

B: This price of yours is out of the question. You musk know that the cost of production has risen a great deal in recent years./这是不可以能的。你晓得,近几年里出产本钱日积月累。

A: I hope you'll give a second thought to it./期望你再思考思考。

B: We have to discuss the problem later./咱们只好下次再谈论这个疑问了。

Dialogue II

A: Well, to come straight to the point, could you tell us something about your new price?/那好,开宗明义地说吧,能讲讲你们的新价格吗?

B: Most willingly. It's $600 per ton./很愿意。每吨价格600美元。

A: That's a high price./好贵啊!

B: But you know, the price of this article has soared up since last year./但你晓得,自上一年头步这种产品的价格猛涨。

A: I know. But I must say it's still unacceptable./我晓得。但我仍是不能承受这个价格。

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