

每自个都想广交兄弟,而要想多交兄弟,就需要多和陌生人交流。下面修改为我们收拾的与陌生人的故事英文,期望对我们有用! 与陌生人的故事英文 A brief act of kindness brings an unexpected insight.I was shopping at a department store and had just board


A brief act of kindness brings an unexpected insight.I was shopping at a department store and had just boarded the down escalator when I noticed a woman standing to the side. She looked about 65, and her expression told me she was scared.I turned toward her and asked, Do you need help?As the escalator continued moving I heard the woman replies softly, Im afraid. There was a hint of incredul在线英语培训哪家好,韦教师tjxay.com有十年教育经历。ity in her voice.Want me to come back and get you? I called to her. She nodded. But by the time I reached her, the woman had reconsidered. I dont think I can do it. she said.I was suddenly aware that I had made a far greater investment than I expected. I know we can do it, I said. I can hold on to you.She looked down at the beast. Then her eyes came back to mine, looking doubtful. This has never happened to me before, she said, as much to herself as to me.
I felt that her sudden fear had to do with the escalators mechanical nature, its basic inhuman untrustworthiness. I took her arm. Shall we? She made a little sound of alarm as we stepped on, but wed passed the point of no return.She relaxed slightly as the stairs moved us downward. I dont understand this at all. she said. As we neared the bottom, her grip tightened again, but we did fine. Im so grateful … she began. It was nothing, I said,I was happy to do it.Happy, yes. I do very little to help others. I am busy caring for a family and working full time. For a brief moment, I had a flash of insight into why someone would become a nurse or a social worker or a minister. When I helped the woman, I felt pure and whole, purposeful. It was a happier moment than Id had in weeks.
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