

3、这种动词自带驱动力的内涵,其实质是英语最基本的句法结构,那就是【动词 + 宾语】结构。只要句子结构符合语法或句法,不管什么意思都可以往里加,如:把、让、为、令、使等。 二、用实例验证规律 动作动词【Action Verb】基本上都内含一个驱使的动作,即

3、这种动词自带驱动力的内涵,其实质是英语最基本的句法结构,那就是【动词 + 宾语】结构。只要句子结构符合语法或句法,不管什么意思都可以往里加,如:把、让、为、令、使等。


动作动词【Action Verb】基本上都内含一个驱使的动作,即使主语(Subject)是【非人】,形式也可以是something + verb + somebody。当然最常用的还是somebody + verb + something。实例如下:

That performance won Henry an Oscar.    那样的表演【为】Henry赢得了奥斯卡

Henry won an Oscar for that performance.

The teacher failed six students.          【给】六个学生不及格

She risked a glance back over her shoulder.   她冒险【去】回头瞥了一眼。

Are you prepared to risk traveling without an armed guard?      没有武装保镖保护的旅行(去危险的地方),你准备好去冒这个险了吗?

He has prepared to risk everything to avoid this war.   【拿】所拥有的一切去冒险,来避免战争

He risked his life helping others to escape.   【用】他的生命去冒险,帮助其他人逃跑

How has your last job prepared you for this position.  你的上一份工作【给】你积累了哪些经验来申请这个职位

Schools should do more to prepare children for the world of work.  【使】孩子们为职场做足准备

When we got home, our mother was busy preparing dinner for us.   忙着准备晚餐(此结构与汉语思维相似)

She survived the attack.       她【从】袭击中幸存了下来

He wanted to avenge his brother's death on the bad man.     他想找那个坏人,【为】他兄弟的死复仇

Authorities said he tried to drive away in the victim's car after the attack, but crashed the vehicle into a wall in the garage.       【把】车撞进了车库的墙里

That will learn somebody.     那将【给】某人好好上一课(让他学到经验或教训)

His strange question surprised her.    【使】她惊讶

Ellen surprises the audience with a 12 days preview.   用一个12天的预演,【给】观众惊喜

The sun had turned the sky a glowing pink.       太阳已经【把】天空变成了亮粉色

Those birthday dishes aren't going to do themselves.  生日聚会的盘子并不会【把】自己洗干净

It does put you a smile on the face.            这事会【让】你面带微笑

A large cardboard box will serve the purpose.    大的纸板盒子将实现它的制造用途(发挥它应有的作用)

He stood up and pointed his finger at me.        【用】他的手指指向我

He touched his hand to her hair.    他【用】手去摸她的头发

Don't forget to remember me to your family.    记得代我向你们家问好【提起】我

It worried you.    那【令】你担心

The only thing that worries me is the food.    唯一【令】我担心的事是食物供给

That doesn't concern you at all.   那事一点也不【令】你关心(我根本不关心那事)


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